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The aphtha, mucosal ulceration

The lesions of aphtha are common diseases of oral mucosa. The characteristic of aphtha is the very painful small ulcer or ulcers which tend to returning. First painful, burning sensation occurs in the mouth, then after 1-2 day blisters will be developed. These small ulcers burst on, and then in their place more painful ulcers may develop.

The exact pathogenic factors of aphtha inflammation are unclear until today, but several risk factors came to mind: small mucosal injuries, bacterial infection, lack of vitamin and iron, hormonal changes, psychic shocks. According to the clinical approach three types of aphtha lesions can be distinguished:

1. Small ulcers (Mikulicz-aphtha): this is the most common type of the disease; on the mucosa scattered painful ulcers can be seen. It is common on the inside of the lips, on the mucosa and tongue. The ulcers heal spontaneously within 7-10 days, without trace. The aphtha can occur on the mucosa due to certain gastrointestinal diseases (Crohn-disease).

2. Big ulcers (Sutton-aphtha): it is considered as the most severe form. The diameter of aphtha is often greater than a half centimeter, it is very painful, it heals slowly and over several weeks, it leaves scar. The disease is prolonged, and due to the pain the patient barely eats, and its general condition deteriorates.

3. Herpetiform ulceratio (Cooke-aphtha): on the mucosa small ulcers develop. The small ulcers are very painful, growing fast, and then coalesce. The disease can appear in recurring seizures; between them the asymptomatic periods are relatively short.

The treatment of aphtha

  • Eliminate the factors which cause mechanical irritation (replacement of fillings, crowns which have protruding edge, broken tooth, plaque, etc.)
  • Taking B- vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12), iron, trace elements (multivitamin tab, or liquid)
  • Usage of antiseptic mouth rise (e.g. Curasept, Corsodyl)
  • Painkiller solution which primarily analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

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