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Dental treatments

Tooth jewel- if you would like that your smile tells more about you
We can wear jewels, body piercings not only in painful places; we can dress our smile with glittering gems. The tooth jewel usually glued to the upper small incisor tooth, it is small, and…
Reasons of toothache
Our tooth and its surrounding tissues can indicate in extremely various ways, if abnormal process takes place between them.
Often, people with stained or discolored teeth may just need a whitening procedure in order to restore their smile.
The teeth have number of functions. From these functions the most important is the chewing, and also the phonation, and shaping facial harmony. The missing teeth’ restoration is very…
Patients visit the orthodontics specialist due to two clearly distinguishable reasons. One is aesthetic reason; the other is the functional disorders of chewing.
Root canal treatments
In order to understand what the root canal treatment is and why need to be implement it, it is necessary to clarify a few basic concepts.
The veneer is a very thin (about half mm thick) aesthetic supplement, which is prepared for the teeth.
Implantology (dental implantation)
3D CT navigated implementation without cutting.
Preventive procedures (prevention)
The periodontal disease can be avoided with deep and careful dental care – in the majority of cases. According to the dentists/periodontists the periodontal disease can be avoided with deep…
Periodontology (periodontal, gum)
Dental hygiene – removing plaque with ultrasound, salt polishing, professional sand-blasting
Oral surgery
We provide comprehensive oral surgery care at affordable prices. We carry out our surgical interventions, surgeries with high-tech tools, full sterile, surgical background.
Type of fillings
Pregnant at the dentist
During pregnancy the regular dentist visit is also recommended.Contact us!
Telephone: +36 30 627 6269
E-mail: info@tourdental.eu
Facebook: facebook.com/tourdedental
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