If you have undergonethrough teeth extraction or other oral surgical intervention please, carefully read and follow our advices below!
Possible complications:
In a few days after the surgery you may expect painin the surgical area, occurring swelling of the face. Occasionally, mouth opening limitation, mild fever and bleeding of the skin may occur.
Our advice during the healing period:
- 3-4 hours after the intervention, and until the numbness disappear, you have toconsume only fluids. For 1-2 days try to avoid the coffee, foods and beverages which contain milk or egg. Until the stitch removal eat soft, pulpy foods. Try to chew on the opposite side of the surgical area.
- After the surgery it is recommend to compliance the enhance oral hygiene, several times a day, brushing your teeth after the meal with soft toothbrush.
- The day after the surgery it is expedient to use chamomile and/or antiseptic mouth rinse.
- After the surgery start your face chilling as soon as possible. For this purpose the best is if you freeze milk or cooler block and wrap it in a towel or dry cloth and place outside of the face to the surgical area.
- Try to avoid sucking the surgical area, rinsing after the surgery within one day, and touching the wound by hand or any other tool.
- Until the stitch removal avoid the physical work and as far as possible sleep on high pillow.
- Take your medicines according to your doctor’s instructions.
- We inform you about the stitch removal date in all cases. Usually we make this one week after the intervention, except those who have maxillary sinus closing.
- Those who had maxillary sinus closing, in addition we described above, strictly avoid the nose-blowing, the exertion, do the sneezing with open mouth. By them the date of the stitch removal is on the tenth day.
If you have questions or problems would arise, do not hesitate to contact with your doctor. We wish you a speedy recovery!