Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile

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Fillings – in the case of small and large dental decay

We can treat the decay caused by the cavitation depending on its size.

On the occlusal surface developed or occurring on the meeting surface of the adjacent teeth, in the case of decays in the enamel or even in the dentin, after the removal of the bacteria infected tooth material we replace the cavity with filling.

The filling’s size depends on the decay’s extent

If the decay is large or it has been formed on more tooth’s surface, or the best way involves the fracture of the tooth’s parts, if we make inlays (onlay, overlay).


The inlay, in other words the filling alternative, which we fix it in solid form to the pre-formed special cavity, thus replaces the missing dental tissue, restoring its anatomical shape, its chewing ability and its function. It is highly durable and aesthetic filling type.

Inlay’s indications

  • in the case of large-scale decays and when the decays affected more surfaces,
  • when changing large, old filling,
  • when replacing the missing tooth, inlay gets into the teeth next to the gap, these are kept the intermediate element,
  • height of bite’s restoration,
  • when solving the teeth’ shape and aesthetic disorders
  • when constructing the root canal treated teeth.

When we recommend the inlay for our kind patients

It should be made when the decay extended two or more parts of the tooth surface, or next to the removed filling the decay affects one or two osculant adjacent tooth surface. It is absolutely indicated for the replacement of the old, large scale amalgam fillings, or for the cusps’ restoration, and for root canal treated teeth’s covering. We can create inlay due to aesthetic reasons (the back tooth discolored, the tooth’s structure is inherently wrong), if the tooth is formally inappropriate and its masticatory is insufficient. We can use the inlays also for the restoration of the missing teeth. In this case the inlays which are in the gap bounding adjacent teeth keep the fixed partial denture (so called anchored fix partial denture with inlay).

The process of preparing inlay

The inlay is made in two meetings. For the first time the preparation, the impressing and the chew-in record, which will be then at the dental technician. Usually it is get ready during a day or two. During this time in the tooth will be temporary filling. After the dental technical work the doctor fixes the completed inlay with special glue or with cementation depends on the inlay’s material.

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