Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile

dental tourism, private clinic, implantology and transfer
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Painless treatments

Due to the today’s modern anesthetic procedures the dental interventions become painless, however the patients often couple the dentistry with pain. Except the painless treatments we carry out the dental interventions under local anesthesia in our surgery. The main aim of the anesthesia is to eliminate pain.

The anesthesia can be divided into two groups:

  • local anesthesia
  • general anesthesia (anesthesia, narcotism)

The local anesthesia is a part of the daily dental care. The most common method of desensitizing the lower teeth is the guided anesthesia. During this we give in the anesthetic solution in the close proximity of nerves of lower teeth, which causes numb on the given side, in teeth, tongue and cheek as well. During guided anesthesia we never anesthetized both sides at the same time! In the case of upper teeth we give the anesthetic only to the treated teeth with so called terminal method, thus the anesthetized area is much smaller. We can’t perform this technique on the lower mandible due to the anatomical conditions (due to the denser bone structure the solution can’t get to the required area). In our surgery we use 2% Lidocain and Ultracain DS Forte composition for local anesthesia.

The success and duration of anesthesia depends on many factors. For example your psychological state, relaxed or not, and how much to scare. Therefore it is important to be calm.

In our surgery we seek to cause the least inconvenience for you, therefore we anesthetize the injection’s location with a fruit-flavored anesthetic gel. It is also important for us to give you pain-free treatment, and rid of the old bad memories and habits.

Before the dental treatment the food consumption is recommended, because after the treatment, until numbness the eating is not recommended, because during chewing we may bite the anesthetized tongue or the mucosa of cheek.

If you are not convinced about the effectiveness of local anesthesia and you are still afraid of the dental intervention, the second option is the treatment under so called general anesthesia (narcotism).

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Telephone: +36 30 627 6269
Skype: tourdedental

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