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Pregnant at the dentist

During pregnancy the regular dentist visit is also recommended.

The health status of fetus depends on the mother's health and nutrition. In the case of bad teeth, gingivitis, mouth diseases the chewing can be painful, as a consequence not enough nutrition gets into the body.

Regular dental checks are prevented the troubles!

Dental caries

As we mentioned before, by pregnant women the gingivitis is very common. This is often happens with gingival bleeding, sensitivity and even pain which causes that many pregnant women neglect the tooth brushing. Lack of tooth brushing accumulates the plaque. Due to plaque and the contained bacteria the gingivitis increases, and also increase the risk of caries formation. Not only the poor oral hygiene can cause the formation of plaque, but the changed diet as well. (increased consumption of sweets)

In blessed state the composition and pH of saliva also changes. It becomes more acidic, thereby decreases its acid neutralizing effect. All of these processes favor the formation of dental caries.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the nausea and vomiting are frequent. The gastric acid causes acidic mouth pH, which is a favorable condition for tooth decay. Against this background it is foreseeable that during pregnancy only with much more thorough oral hygiene can be the teeth protected against the caries. If it is possible, brush your teeth after every meal, but at least twice a day, morning and evening. Never neglect the thorough night brushing, in this case every time use dental floss as well.

That widespread phrase is a misbelief that one child one tooth. With proper oral care the caries, gingivitis, and as their complications the tooth loss can be prevented.

Pregnancy gingivitis

During pregnancy hormonal changes occur in the body. As a result of the increased estrogen and progesterone (sex hormones) production the blood flow increases in the tissues. The gums become full-blooded and swollen, its reaction increases in the plaque to the bacteria in the caries. Not the increased level of hormone causes the problem, but the presence of plaque and caries. We are often encountered during the pregnancy with swollen, red, bleeder gums, but the gingivitis is typical mainly in the second and third trimester. Proper oral hygiene and professional prevention treatment is really important during the pregnancy (and later of course).

If it is possible, brush your teeth after every meal or at least twice a day, morning and evening. Never miss the evening tooth brushing, because at night the saliva production is reduced, there is nothing which wash your teeth, and neutralize the acidity (pH). By evening tooth brushing also use dental floss. With dental floss those teeth surfaces can be cleaned which facing each other. If we don’t use it, we wouldn’t remove 40% of the plaque from the teeth surface.

Contact our doctor to verify the effectiveness of dental care and we can impart you in professional treatment. For the first time please inform the dentist about your pregnancy.

Due to untreated gingivitis periodontal disease may develop. The supporting structures of the teeth die; the teeth become loose and may fall out over time.

Scientific researches show that periodontal disease of pregnant women can cause premature birth. Pregnant women who are suffering in periodontal disease the probability of premature birth is three times more, than in the case of pregnant women who have healthy gum. Almost by all pregnant women occurs the milder form of periodontal disease, gingivitis, therefore is important the screening of pregnant women.

Dental treatment

It would be ideal if the mothers wouldn’t need any dental treatment during the pregnancy/lactation. The exception is the regular dental check which should be continued during pregnancy as well.

Please, inform our dentist about your pregnancy (even if there is a chance that you are already pregnant woman), in this case we have to consider several factors during the treatment.

The dental treatment also can be done safely during the pregnancy; the second trimester may be the most convenient time for treatment. In the first 3 months (first trimester) if it is possible we don’t do any work, because then develops the fetus, its organs and organ systems, therefore it has to be reduced to zero the potential damages of fetus. In the last 3 months (third trimester) in order to avoid the premature birth we minimize the dental treatments. Any treatment which is not remedied immediately, we postpone until after the pregnancy. Of course, we carry out the emergency interventions in addition to careful consideration of the benefit-risk!


The commonly used local anesthetic solution - the 2% Lidocaine – can be also used by pregnant women, it doesn’t harm the fetus.

The sedation is not recommended during pregnancy.

Lying therapy

The chair will be reclined according to your comfort, because with big belly it may be uncomfortable to lie back.


The today's modern x-ray machines emit very little radiation dose, but the we still not recommend the X-ray, especially in the first two trimesters.

X-rays will be prepared only if your tooth hurts very much and emergency care is needed. In this case perfect care is required; otherwise more serious complications can occur.

If you are pregnant or if you plan to have a baby please, visit our surgery to get appropriate advices in connection with the necessary oral hygiene and to carry out professional pre-treatments (plaque removal) in order to your and your baby’s health!

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