Our dental clinic went through a technical innovation between August 10, 2010 and September 02, 2010.
Our project which was created within the the “New Hungary Development Plan”asa part of “Economical Development Operative Program” (GOP-2.1.1-10/A-2010-0183). The European Union provided the financial resource (30%) with co-financing with the European Regional Developmental Basis.
Name of the project:
Project description:
With the support our modern technical park has expanded with the following devices:
1. Computer controlled ultrasonic surgical unit:
Satelec Piezosurgery Piezotome II.
Purchase price: 2,457,280 HUF
2. “Implant Direct” U.S. implantation surgical cassette, with which the given type Legacy 3 newly developed implants can be implanted:
Implant Direct surgical cassette
Purchase Price: 1,250,000 HUF
3. Sinus lift surgical set, with which the sinus’s mucosa can be lifted during bone replacement:
Altatec German surgical cassette
Purchase price: 458,314 HUF
Beneficiary’s name and address:
- Dr. Vas Eurodental Kft. 7631 Pécs, Megyeri u. 123/1. Hungary
- www.tourdental.eu
Contributor organization’s name and address:
- MAG – Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Központ Zrt. (Hungarian Economic Development Centre)
- 1864 Budapest, Rb.: 684. Hungary
- Telefon: +36-40-200-617
- www.magzrt.hu