Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile

dental tourism, private clinic, implantology and transfer
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Dental implants: for who, for how much?

The missing tooth can be very confusing, even aesthetic, even chewing function, even phonation point of view. The edentulous area can be replaced with fixed prosthesis, with so called bridge. In this case the doctor burnishes the gap bounding teeth –perhaps more – into the abutment and fixed it onto the restoration with adhesive.

Bridge, removable prosthesis

The disadvantage of the bridge is that the doctors abrade one or more healthy teeth in order to fix it, and it means also disadvantage that under that part of bridge which there is no tooth, the self-cleasing has a certain distance from the mucous membrane, because of the cleanability. There is a case when there is very few or absolutely no tooth; in this case the replacement of the bridge is not possible. In this case partial or complete removable prosthesis uses the specialist. But these are quite large, palate and edentulous ridge covering denture, the habit often require patience from the patient. These prostheses are aesthetically failed from the bridge, although this seems really only to an expert eye. Another problem might be the proper care, under the baseplate developing mucosal inflammation and the above mentioned habitual difficulties.

For who recommended the implant?

For those patients who due to the above mentioned reasons the fix or the removable restoration doesn’t suit, the implant is recommended. It is important that the dentist knows about the patient’s underlying illnesses, and about the taking medicines. Certain illnesses such as the uncontrolled diabetes can delay the healing. This is followed by the evaluation of panoramic X-ray. Here they look at that are there enough available bone to insert the implant. If there is no enough bone, bone grafting should be performed. It can be planned in advance that where what kind of implant gets into, or what kind of restoration they fix onto.

It is not cheap

After the patient is informed and he/she is agreed, the treatment can start. Here we have to mention two factors, due to which a lot of people don’t take the treatment. The first is the financial part (nowadays it is 320-720 euro/implants, plus the cost of the fixed partial denture), the second is the time, since from the installation’s date three to six month can pass until the next step. If the patient is able to take the conditions, the first step is the implantation of the artificial root. This step usually carries out under local anesthesia, rarely under general anesthesia. At this time they strip the mucous membrane from the mandible, then they insert – after drilling - the artificial root into the appropriate place in the bone, and finally they put it back and sew it together. They left three to six months that the bone cells completely encircle the implant, which has ossification, and thus it will be stable and durable.

Once this happens, the next step follows, namely the implant’s release by cutting the mucous membrane, then the mucous membrane’s formatting with the help of a screw, and the third step is insertion of the abutment into the artificial root. At this time in the mouth the situation is the same as if your own tooth has been polished. After this only the bonding of the crown or the bridge remains. The end result approaches the real teeth from aesthetically and also convenience point of view.

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