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Tour De Dental Management

Tamás Goják
Contact person, manager, English interpreterStudies:
Socrates Foreign Economic Academy, Bilingual Vocational School, International Transportation and Logistics Officer (2008-2010)
Language skill: Fluent English
After the high school I became interested in the profession related to trade, logistics, business management, and operation. Formerly I employed at a transport company where initially I started to perform administrative tasks (invoicing, issuing quality certificates), then I carried out tasks about organization of transport and logistics. I also dealt with searching for new partners, relationship building, and orders.
From autumn 2008 I learned International Transportation and Logistics, the date of my higher education certificate is June, 2010. My plans include obtaining an English language exam. I am open to new things, I like challenges. During my work I like mobility, flexibility, I adapt soon. My hobbies include the football, biking, and I am interested in technical or IT related things.