Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile

dental tourism, private clinic, implantology and transfer
language EN / DE / IT / HU


After the root canal filling by the complaints causative teeth we carry out the apicetomy surgery also under local anesthesia in sterile conditions; with the Piezotome II surgical ultrasound guided device, without trauma, chiseling and drilling.

Soft tissue, nerve, vascular can’t be damaged; bone can’t flush, because it is not about the surgical drill and rotary device. Thanks to the modern ultracain anesthetic drug it is absolute painless, which intervention is approx. 10-30 minutes depends on the root canal’s position.

The healing time is approx. 3-7 days. We carry out the controls and the stitch removal for free.

This is necessary that after the fair, adequate, definitive root canal filling the does not passing "inflammatory" abscess, granuloma, cyst and we remove the infected root apex. Thus in long run can remain the patient’s tooth.

We would like to illustrate the process with the following pictures:

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