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Oral surgery
Dental prices

Incisio + drain

Wisdom tooth removal: any other wisdom tooth in one session

Wisdom tooth removal: wedged, in sterile surgical exploration

Wisdom tooth removal: simple, already erupted, with elevator

Sinus closure

Plastic surgery (tuber, alveolus)
Dental treatments

Preparing for surgery- 3D CT planning
What we have to look before and after surgery? What are the risks for implantation surgery?
After the root canal filling by the complaints causative teeth we carry out the apicetomy surgery also under local anesthesia in sterile conditions; with the Piezotome II surgical ultrasound…
Wisdom teeth issues (inflammation, penetration)
The wisdom tooth (wisdom teeth) removal is not always justified, but the wisdom tooth removal is one of the common oral surgical intervention in the developed countries.
Mandibular joint and its problems
The mandibular joint is a specific and sensitive joint. In is located in front of the external auditory meatus and operates under it laws.
Tooth extraction
The removal of teeth, roots is one of the most common surgical procedures. The tooth extraction is a simple, routine procedure.Contact us!
Telephone: +36 30 627 6269
E-mail: info@tourdental.eu
Facebook: facebook.com/tourdedental
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