Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile

dental tourism, private clinic, implantology and transfer
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Implantation process step by step

The implant insertion is considered as a small ambulatory surgery, its time period is approx. 30-60 minutes. For a healthy body it doesn’t mean greater strain. In large percentage of the cases the procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Dental implant is a firmly fixed artificial tooth root replacement and it is widely accepted and successfully used in modern dentistry. It offers the possibility to replace lost tooth with a titanium screw incorporated into the bone and a crown placed on top. This modern dental implant technique enables dentists to offer solutions for a number of initial conditions, whether it is a single missing tooth, several missing teeth in a row, the lack of practically all the teeth or a completely toothless jaw. It can even help to fix removable dentures based on dental implants, which as a result will improve comfort, aesthetic appearance and functionality.

Implantation practically means the insertion of an artificial tooth root to which an artificial tooth, called a crown, is attached later. The procedure negates the need to damage the neighboring healthy teeth. Healing takes 3-6 months after the operation; for this period, the patient gets temporary fixed teeth that look just like the final product but cannot be used as heavily. But in special cases, the final crown or bridge may be prepared immediately.

It is naturally impossible to define the duration of the operation in advance, but generally, if no complication arises; one implant is inserted in just 5-7 minutes. If bone grafting is also necessary, then the required time increases to 25 minutes or thereabouts. In case more than one implant is inserted, four of them can normally be placed in one hour, including any bone grafting. The operation is entirely painless.

After the implantation, the wound is closed with dissolvable suture, so our clients are spared the inconvenience of suture removal.

The long-term crown is placed after the healing period. By that time, the gums have reached their final state, so a perfect dental prosthesis can be prepared. Unlike implants, crowns have a finite “life time”, but they need replacement after 10-15 years only.

Before tooth insertion, radiography (x-ray or, if necessary, CT imaging) is performed. The operation is carried out in a sterile operating theatre, meeting the most stringent hygienic standards.

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