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Teeth whitening of root canal treated teeth

The root canal treated tooth can be discolored as time goes by. In these cases we usually use internal bleaching method; we deliver the bleaching gel into the pulp-chamber. In the case of increased discoloration we supplement the interior bleaching with an exterior – we bleaching the tooth surface as well.

We use in our surgery Opalescence Endo Whitening System is a 35% hydrogen peroxide solution designed for the walking bleach technique. The system whitens endodontically treated, discolored teeth. Opalescence Endo is placed into the pulp chamber after all filling material and gutta percha are removed. After filling, temporary material is applied to seal the access opening. The procedure is repeated every 3 to 5 days for desired results.

Internal bleaching procedures are performed on devitalized teeth that have undergone endodontic therapy but are discolored due to internal staining of the tooth structure by blood and other fluids that leaked in. Unlike external bleaching, which brightens teeth from the outside in; internal bleaching brightens teeth from the inside out. Bleaching the tooth internally involves drilling a hole to the pulp-chamber, cleaning, sealing, and filling the root canal with a rubber-like substance, and placing a peroxide gel into the pulp-chamber. Thus the gel can work directly inside the tooth on the dentin layer. In this variation of whitening the peroxide is sealed within the tooth over a period of some days and replaced as needed.

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