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Tools during root canal treatment

The root canal treatment is one of the fastest growing branches of the modern dentistry, therefore as a result of continuous developments newer and newer technologies and tools help the dentists’ work to be more accurate.

We provide you at EuroDental the latest technologies, to ensure the most successful treatment for you.


One of the most critical points of the dental treatment is to ensure the dry, saliva-free environment. Relative isolation, that is the use of traditional cotton rolls, cannot ensure the satisfactory dryness which threatens the treatment’s success. Meanwhile, absolute isolation with the help of a cofferdam ensures the perfect saliva-free and vapor-free environment. We use absolute isolation in case of the moisture sensitive treatments.

Apex Locator

The root canal treatment can only result in complete recovery if the above mentioned process is carried out in the proper length and quality. The apec locator is used to calibrate the length of the dental root. It is more accurate in the determination of the length than the x-ray.

Advantages of the tool:

  1. allow accurate and fast length determination
  2. no additional radiation, therefore it can be used by pregnant women as well.

Endo motor, VDW Gold Reciproc®

The endo motor helps the safe use of the root-canal-expansion tools. The advantage of the mechanic expansion against the manual method is that it speeds up the treatment and also it results in a smoother surface so the filling of the root canal can be more precise and easy. The mechanic expansion makes it possible to expand the curved and narrow root canals which are impossible with the manual technique. We combine the mechanic and the manual expansion so that we can have the perfect result.

Root reamer

It is flexible, in the space exploration used nickel-titanium device which allows through and fast dilation of root canal, and the cleaning during dilation. Due to the specific material elasticity in the case of curve channels it can be also used, and during the treatment it retains its original shape. The mechanical dilators – like the manual ones – are distributed in different sizes according to the diameter of root canal. The mechanical dilator form with the endo motor an operating unit, the endo motor carries out the rotation of dilator in the root canal instead of manual power.

Why is the mechanical root dilation beneficial for you?

  • fast and through dilation
  • shorter treatment time
  • also can be used in the case of curve roots
  • creates optimal conditions for making perfect root filling

Hand tools:

They are needle-like instruments with short shaft which operated manually. We use them in certain phases of root canal treatment. Such as the instrument for pulp removal or such dilators which serve for initial dilation of very small channels.

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Telephone: +36 30 627 6269
Skype: tourdedental

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