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Reasons of toothache

Dental focus

Dental focus

Focus disease means such disease process in which disease of a given organ or organ system comes from the organ’s infectious, chronic inflammation. The trigger disease is the chronic…
Tooth decay

Tooth decay

Few people know, but the most common teeth disease is the dental caries, which is the result of the bacterial infection. The mouth is the home of hundreds of species of bacteria, some of…
Our tooth and its surrounding tissues can indicate in extremely various ways, if abnormal process takes place between them.

When the degradation products of the decay causing bacteria have been lifted enough tooth material to the various heat stimulation bring s easier stimulated the pulp innervations, our tooth easily become sensitive when consuming hot, cold possibly acidic foods and beverages. In this case our tooth is still alive, so if we go to our dentist by the first such signal, the tooth can be saved usually with one filling.

Many patients come to our surgery when they feel continuous or periodic, but without stimulus occurring pain in their teeth. In this case the pulp is inflamed. The tooth is special anatomical featured organ, because the closed space limited with the hard tissue does not allow the completion of the inflammatory process successful “self-healing”. This special circumstance is which is in the case of the tooth inflammation necessitates the intervention of the dentist, which is synonymous with the root canal treatment.

If the tooth during the biting shows sensitivity, it is the signal that the pathogens get through the pulp and the root canal, and they get stuck somewhere in the bone and in the border of the root apex. If the dentist can clean properly the root canal and can care it with well closing apex filling, then from the mouth the open road ended for the bacteria and the organism is be able to overcome the pathogens in surrounding space of the root apex.

If the inflammatory process finds itself another way, it is often involves with bone fracturing the abscess formation. In this case coupled with typical strain feeling swelling is evolving on the palate or on the outside of the teeth in the area of submammarial folds of the mouth’s mucous membrane. The opening of these depends on the size and the location; it can happen through the tooth or with an incision from the mucous membrane.

It can cause frequent pain the pierce or the forming so called Pericoronitis around the crown of the blocked fracturing wisdom teeth. In this case between the wisdom tooth’ crown and the gum a pocket is formed, which inflamed because of the difficult cleanability. Rinse this area in a daily basis; probably treat it with medication strip. After the inflammation receded it is worth to remove the underlying cause. This means that after the evaluation of the X-ray picture, in the right direction we help the wisdom tooth to pierce with the intersection of the above gum or we remove the abnormal positioned wisdom tooth.

Toothache is often considered as the pain caused the diseases of the supporting structure of the tooth. At this point the teeth show sensitivity for the typical lateral forces (percussion). Less frequently, but during such diseases can also formed abscess formation next to the teeth.

On the following radiograph we can see the formed cyst in the lower left 6 tooth’s root.

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