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Dental treatments

Nutrition as an influencing factor in tooth decay
Every food that we consume affects the teeth, gum, and mucous membrane. The consumed quantity and quality can influence the development of dental caries.
Detailed about the periodontal disease and its treatment
It is important to know about the periodontal disease, because it can lead to tooth loss.
Tooth decay
Few people know, but the most common teeth disease is the dental caries, which is the result of the bacterial infection. The mouth is the home of hundreds of species of bacteria, some of…
Dental focus
Focus disease means such disease process in which disease of a given organ or organ system comes from the organ’s infectious, chronic inflammation. The trigger disease is the chronic…
Reasons of toothache
Our tooth and its surrounding tissues can indicate in extremely various ways, if abnormal process takes place between them.Contact us!
Telephone: +36 30 627 6269
E-mail: info@tourdental.eu
Facebook: facebook.com/tourdedental
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