Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile Tour de Dental - For a healthy smile

dental tourism, private clinic, implantology and transfer
language EN / DE / IT / HU


Dental prices

With zirconium ceramic veneer and CAD-CAM technology – bonded with MAXCEM ELITE dual cement

With zirconium ceramic veneer and CAD-CAM technology – bonded with MAXCEM ELITE dual cement



Dental treatments

Inlays (inlay, onlay, overlay)

Inlays (inlay, onlay, overlay)

The inlay, in other words it's a "filling" which replaces the missing tooth tissue, restoring its anatomical shape, chewing ability, and function.
Replacement of old metal crown

Replacement of old metal crown

If you are wearing metal-ceramic crown for a long time, you might have noticed that along the gum line a grey border was formed. This is aesthetically unfavorable, especially in the frontal…
Bridge restorations (fixed)

Bridge restorations (fixed)

Dental bridges are restorations designed to replace missing teeth and often comprise of porcelain “span” supported by either the teeth or implants either side of the gap. The most…


The crown is a restoration which covers the crown part of the tooth and shaping it o anatomic form.

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Telephone: +36 30 627 6269
Skype: tourdedental

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